Outhouse Americana
 Outhouse Americana   

Home of the Olde Tyme Outhouse Craft   Entertaining Speaker to the Publick


We Craft the Best Outhouses this Side of the 19th Century

With Over 50 yrs of Carpentry Experience

The Bull Hill Workshop has crafted quality outhouses since prior to the turn of the century and has matured into one of the foremost authorities on the subject due to our no-nonsense approach to fully understand privies derived from practical hands on knowledge, vintage kybos we've restored, many works of literature and old timers who have attended my rustic educational talks. Our "Bull Hill Workshop" brand can be found in Maine, across New England and into New York state. We take thunder boxes very seriously.


Featured on: Boston WCVB channel 5, Springfield, Ma. WGBY, Hartford WFSB channel 3 television as well as WNPR & WICH radio, local print & mentioned on FOX61 News. Ted Reinstein of WCVB has included us in his book "New England Notebook: One Reporter, Six States, Uncommon Stories"  written up in "Farm Show" magazine & on Cottage Life, Canada's popular, life style  magazine's web site. Outhouse builder for Hollywood folk.


We Only Craft Working Outhouses,

Repair Existing Privies,

Restore Vintage Backhouses


Provide Educational and Most Entertaining Programs

Our Publication by:


Georg Papp, Sr. OBPA & a grumpy old man

owner of The Bull Hill Workshop, author of


"Outhouse Americana"


 Go to the Outhouse Products page for more information & to get a copy.


Concerned Sponsor For Ovarian Cancer Awareness

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© The Bull Hill Workshop

Contact Us


 Georg Papp, Sr.,  OBPA

The Bull Hill Workshop
151 Bull Hill Rd
Colchester, Ct. 06415


Phone: 860 267-8123




Or use our contact form.

Don't Care To Be On Nor Should You Expect To Find Me On Facebook, Twitter or Any One O' Dem Silly "Social" Sites.