Outhouse Americana
 Outhouse Americana   

Outhouse building and restoration has become a dying craft and it is our mission to perpetuate this through educational public events presented in a folksy, educational manner which have the audiences remarking that "I never knew the subject could be so interesting."


Young and old enjoy these presentations at library/historical societies as well as country fairs and businesses.

Honest Americana and good natured anecdotes are reasons audiences are drawn in to appreciate this icon plus the speaker shares the building tips he's carefully researced and practiced since prior to the turn of the century.

You will not find a more knowledable and entertaining speaker on this subject.


Contact us for complete information to bring our well received presentation, complete with our popular mini-privies, to your event. 

Past Events


Bristol, Vt Historical Society

Colchester, Ct. Grdn Club & Hist. Soc.

Comstock Ferre Seed Co. Wethersfield, Ct. (3x)

East Hampton, Ct. Historical Society

Ellington, Ct. Historical Society

Guilford, Vt. Country Fair

Torrington, Ct. Library

Whitfield House, a Ct State Museum

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              and dozens of others




Labor Day Sun & Mon Yearly - The Guilford Vt. Fair  - 3 & 4 Sept this year

A community fair as fairs as they are ment to be.


6 October 3:00 PM - 151 Bull Hill Rd, Colchester, Ct.  Outhouse Americana talk. Hosted by the U.S. Natl Parks Service, Last Green Valley Corridor,  a Walktober event.




Event Dates May Change  Return to this page prior to attending or contact event sponsor to confirm.


My Outhouse Americana talks will visit the Southern US states and Canada during 2024. Please contact me to schedule one.




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© The Bull Hill Workshop

Contact Us


 Georg Papp, Sr.,  OBPA

The Bull Hill Workshop
151 Bull Hill Rd
Colchester, Ct. 06415


Phone: 860 267-8123




Or use our contact form.

Don't Care To Be On Nor Should You Expect To Find Me On Facebook, Twitter or Any One O' Dem Silly "Social" Sites.